Daytime Cat Visits

$20 per 30-minute visit

Available 6:30 AM to 10:00 PM. You can schedule one or more visits per day as needed. Each visit includes:

  • Nose to tail evaluation of cat (if social)
  • Feed/administer medications as instructed
  • Play with toys provided or laser
  • Optional light brushing
  • Wash pet bowls, sweep and mop cat box area, clean up any accidents in home
  • Clean cat box and empty in outside trash can

Daytime Dog Visits

$20 per 30-minute visit

Available 6:30 AM to 10:00 PM. You can schedule one or more visits per day as needed. Each visit includes:

  • Nose to tail evaluation of dog
  • Feed/administer medications as instructed
  • Wash pet bowls, sweep, clean up any accidents in home
  • Walk dog according to restrictions of age, breed, injury, or weather, OR
  • Let into fenced yard with play appropriate to individual dog
  • Teach or reinforce basic obedience commands for safety
  • Wipe paws upon entry to home

Daytime Visits for Birds, Reptiles, Small Caged Animals, Fish, and Livestock

$20 per 30-minute visit

Visits available 6:30 AM to 10:00 PM include these services:

Birds, Reptiles, Small Caged Animals

  • Head to tail evaluation of pet
  • Feed as instructed (will feed live worms for reptiles)
  • Clean cage


  • Feed daily
  • Check aquarium temperature, filter, lighting


  • Let out horses, feed, muck stalls
  • Let out chickens, feed/water, gather eggs
  • Care for other farm animals arranged on request

Overnight Pet Care

$100 per day

Service begins with dinner visit between 3 and 6 PM.

  • Stay with pets 1-2 hours
  • Return after other evening visits/personal errands
  • Relax with pet until bed
  • Sleep overnight
  • Care for pet in morning
  • Return up to twice during midday based on time leaving home in morning, pet age, limitations, etc.
  • Additional visits before initial dinner visit or during evening of next day without second overnight are $20 per 30-minute visit

Vacation/Extended Pet Care

$20 per 30-minute visit

Vacation/extended pet care includes these services:

  • Up to 4 visits per day for walks and feeding as needed (each visit includes a walk; no overnight stays)
  • Add water to bird/bee baths
  • Put out/bring in trash and recycling bins
  • Bring in newspapers and mail
  • Set home alarms
  • Water plants in home and outside garden

Last-Minute Visits

$20 per 30-minute visit

Stuck late at work? Have a same-day invitation? Last-minute drop-in visits are available upon request.

Pet Taxi

$20 per each 30 minutes of travel time (surcharges may apply for longer distances)

Pet taxi available to/from veterinarian, groomer, kennel, friend’s/relative’s home, and airport.